Boston Area Au Pairs and Families Go Wild at the Roger Williams Park & Zoo

1 May

This past Sunday, our Boston area cluster of au pairs and many of their host families got together for a family outing  at the Roger Williams Park & Zoo in Providence, RI.  We were also joined by the Providence area group.   This was a fun-filled day that everyone seemed to enjoy.

We met up around 10:00 am outside the zoo entrance.  We all had to enter as a group so that we could utilize a group discount.  As you can imagine, this required a lot of logistical planning (which is always fun because au pairs are NEVER late!).

We all managed to enter the zoo around 10:20.  “If you run to the other side of the zoo,” the zoo employee told us, “you will make it in time for the ‘bathing of the elephants'”  I’ve been to the Roger Williams Zoo many times, and had never seen that, so this was pretty exciting to me.

We rushed past the zebras and giraffes and made it just in time for the big event.  I do have to say that it was very interesting seeing these giant creatures enjoying their morning baths.  They very patiently lifted their legs when instructed to do so by the elephant trainer…and obediently laid down for their tummy cleansing.  The children were mesmerized, and I guess I was, too.

We then made our way through the park.  We saw everything from farm animals and tropical birds to a snow leopard, a moon bear and bison.  It was interesting to learn about where the animals came from in various parts of the world.  I think we were particularly more observant of these facts since we had people from so many different parts of the world with us!  Our friend, Kuschke from South Africa, pointed out several animals that roam free in her country.  That was neat!

It takes about 2 hours to walk through the Roger Williams Zoo.  Around 12:45, many of us packed into our cars and drove to the other side of the park where we had a picnic lunch in front of the Temple to Music.  The Temple to Music is a beautiful outdoor structure made of marble, reminiscent of Grecian style architecture.  The Temple overlooks a lake and there is a large grassy field in front of it.  This is a great place to take photos have a picnic!  Everyone brought their own picnic lunch and blanket.  Joan, the Go Au Pair LAR from Providence brought several kites and some bubbles.  The kids were certainly entertained.

After we enjoyed our picnic and conversation, some of us ventured across the street to the Hasbro Boundless Playground, with the grand finale being a ride on the carousel.

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