Tag Archives: au pair activities

Boston Area Au Pairs Keeping Cool on the Charles River

15 Aug

Wow!  I can’t believe that summer is almost over.  Where did the time go?  Our Boston area au pair group from Go Au Pair has been keeping active this summer.  In July, we stepped outside of our comfort zones (literally) and ventured out on the Charles River for a morning of kayaking.

A kayak is a small, narrow, human-powered boat that is designed to be manually propelled by a double-bladed oar.  Kayaking is a fun, easy to learn sport that is also a great upper body workout!  Obviously, there are serious kayakers who would disagree with me, but I think it’s something that just about anyone can do with very little instruction.

Getting Ready to Go Paddling!

Getting Ready to Go Paddling!

We met up at Charles River Canoe and Kayak in Cambridge.  (I highly recommend this place!  The people are so friendly and helpful there. )  We had a choice between 2-man kayaks and 1-man kayaks.  The 2-man kayaks were the best deal.  At $20 per hour, two people could spend 2 glorious hours on the Charles River for the bargain price of $20 per person.  Since there were 15 of us, I was the odd man out.  Oh well…it’s lonely at the top.

Safety First!  Getting Our Lifejackets On.

Safety First! Au Pairs Getting Their Lifejackets On.

We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day.  The sun was shining and the wind was not too strong.  The temperature was in the high 70’s.  After a brief instruction on paddling technique and water safety, we suited up in our life preservers, hopped in our boats, and began our journey.   (Well, I guess “journey” is a bit of exaggeration…)  We decided to stay close by since I was the only one who had any experience with kayaking.

New Arrival Stacy from S. Africa

New Arrival Stacy from S. Africa

Kuschke Staying Hydrated!We paddled down the channel, took a right turn out onto the Charles River, and then

JinJin and Stephanie Taking a Break!

JinJin and Stephanie Taking a Break!

crossed the river into the Esplanade.  The Esplanade is a beautiful state-owned park with an outdoor concert pavilion, playground, ball fields and community boating.  Some of the au pairs paddled through the Esplanade, taking in the views of the city, while a few of us stopped and enjoyed a picnic lunch on the shore.  After that, we made our way back to the kayak launching area where we met up with some of the other au pairs who had already returned.

Beautiful View from the Esplanade

Our Beautiful View from the Esplanade

We said our goodbyes to our friends, including one final farewell to Ying from China and Kuschke from S. Africa who would both be returning to their home countries before our August camping trip.  Safe travels, friends…until we meet again.