Tag Archives: special needs nanny

April Is Autism Awareness Month!

5 Apr

autismDid you know that April is National Autism Awareness Month here in the United States?

Autism is a developmental disability that affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others.  The symptoms usually show up in the first 3 years of life.  About 1 in 88 births in the US result in a diagnosis of autism. Although girls can have autism, the disability is more common in boys.

If you are a parent or an au pair caring for a young child, you should know what the “red flags” or possible warning signs are.  According to the Autism Society, these 5 behaviors could indicate that an evaluation is needed:

1.  Does not babble or coo by 12 months old.

2. Does not gesture (point, wave, grab) by 12 months old.

3. Does not say single words by 16 months old.

4. Does not say 2-word phrases on his or her own by 24 months old.

5. Has any loss of language or social skills at any age.

These behaviors do not mean that a child has autism.  But they are symptoms of the disorder, so if you notice them, you should speak to your host family about your concern. The child must be evaluated by a team of professionals before a diagnosis can be made.

Some signs to look for in older children include:

1. Lack of or delay in spoken language.

2. Repetitive use of language or mannerisms

3. Little or no eye contact

4. Lack of interest in peer relationships

5. Lack of spontaneous or make believe play

6. Fixation on parts of objects

Although there is no cure for autism, early detection is very important.  Children who are diagnosed early and receive early intervention receive significantly improved outcomes.  For more information about autism, visit  the Autism Society’s website at http://www.autism-society.org/.

Families with autistic children are welcome to apply to the au pair program.  We often have au pair candidates who have experience caring for autistic children, and many who don’t have experience but are willing and anxious to work with your family.  There is no specific training required within the au pair program for au pairs to work with autistic children.  It is ultimately up to the host family and the au pair to decide if they would like to work together.  We have had many successful placements with families with children with all different types of special needs.  To review our pool of au pair candidates, potential host families should complete an application today!